Real-Time Communication with WebRTC: Peer-to-Peer in the Browser by Salvatore Loreto, Simon Pietro Romano, Lorenzo Miniero
Real-Time Communication with WebRTC: Peer-to-Peer in the Browser Salvatore Loreto, Simon Pietro Romano, Lorenzo Miniero ebook
ISBN: 9781491938089
Page: 175
Format: pdf
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Deliver rich audio and video real-time communication and peer-to-peer data exchange right in the browser, without the need for proprietary plug-ins. Real-Time Communication with WebRTC: Peer-to-Peer in the Browser . This tutorial explains Step 3: Stream video with RTCPeerConnection. Deliver rich audio and video teleconferencing and peer-to-peer data exchange right in the browser. Leverage the power and simplicity of WebRTC to rapidly build a real time communication app. One MediaStreamTrack sent to another peer must appear as one and only allows two users to communicate directly, browser-to-browser. WebRTC is free, open source real time communication platform that enables browser to browser connection for sharing audio, 19 Three main JavaScript APIs getUserMedia RTCPeerConnection RTCDataChannel; 20. Introduction Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) is a new standard and to exchange directly with other browsers real-time media in a Peer-to-Peer fashion. WebRTC enables real-time communication in the browser. Deliver rich audio and video real-time communication and peer-to-peer data exchange Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) applications emerge as the tech stabilizes to support voice calling, video chat, and peer-to-peer connections. WebRTC is a set of JavaScript APIs that enable peer-to-peer, realtime communication between web browsers. Integrating peer-to-peer audio and video communication. Preface Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) is a new standard which lets browsers communicate in real time using a peer-to-peer architecture. WebRTC: APIs and RTCWEB Protocols of the HTML5 Real-Time Web, Third Edition.